International Days in Social Work in Austria - Alex Sack-Redden's Story

I had the amazing opportunity to go to Austria and attend the International days of the social work program.
During this time I was able to attend a variety of lectures from experienced people all over the world. Through participation, and discussion I was able to highlight my own personal experiences as an indigenous person living in Mi’kma’ki, and the needs, and barriers for Indigenous folk in Canada.
With this opportunity, I learned what other countries are doing to eliminate boundaries, further education in social work, and so much more!
With my free time I built a strong connection with others from all around the world where I see myself continuing the relationship, and to be able to network with in the future. From going out to restaurants, and bars to visiting beautiful historical buildings, and landscape. Austria is rich in history! From the Schönbrunn Palace and Hofburg Palace both in Vienna if your into Marie Antoinette . Or even the trip to Salzburg where many of sound of music was recorded!
Alex Sack-Redden
Social Services Student
NSCC Truro Campus