Claire Gillis' Story

International Days in Social Work: Linz, Austria – After two weeks spent learning both inside and outside of the classroom, I am taking with me many new insights as I enter the field of social services upon my arrival back home in Nova Scotia. Much of what I am taking away from my international learning experience are noticing the similarities and differences between services offered abroad versus at home, and how comparing and contrasting these systems allows us to deepen our understanding of why we do the work we do in the first place. The University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria were fabulous hosts to the groups coming from eleven different countries, and by the end of our time in Linz the city felt like a second home. The beauty of Austria’s countryside, along with its friendly people, good food, and rich history all made for a positively life-changing experience abroad.
I will be forever grateful to have started out my career taking part in this conference, and I would encourage any NSCC student to take advantage of international opportunities – you won’t regret it!