Callum Robitaille's Story

From arrival to departure, the warmest of welcomes to the melancholy farewells. So much happened in the span of 2 weeks, it felt like a lifetime of learning, a sense of community, and integration of culture all in the blink of an eye. As soon as we arrived at the Veta Hotel, we were greeted by VHTTI students dancing and singing “Jambo Bwana”. I was very gracious that this welcome was meant for us, so much so that I joined in on the dancing to ease everyone’s transition. I am so glad that I did because from then on it was nothing but love, joy, and compassion from everyone involved in the projects, the events, and so on… there’s no one specific story I have that stands because they all hold a special place in my heart.
The landscape is vast and grounded in the first steps of humans, African wildlife is one of the fiercest hierarchies yet beautifully symbiotic, and the people are the happiest I’ve seen despite the disadvantages they face on a day to day. That’s one of the biggest takeaways I have, is relationships and gratefulness. It’s surprising but I think in Western society we lack in this department. Humans are at our best when we collectively come together in business and communities for that matter, whatever background we come from.
I will remember this journey for a lifetime, you will learn a lot in a short amount of time. I know now to be as open and welcoming as the people I’ve met along the way, that was the key I got at the end of my trip. I hope anyone thinking of going uses it to open the door to this experience!