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Alexis Parson's Story

Alexis Parson in Austria in 2024

Studying abroad in Austria, Linz with NSCC for International Days of Social Work was a life-changing experience that prepared me for my journey in social work and education. Exploring the beautiful city of Linz and immersing myself in it's culture opened my eyes to a world of diversity and new perspectives. Meeting students from different countries like BC, Mexico, Netherlands, Italy, Germany, USA, and Austria enriched my understanding of social work, showcasing both differences and similarities across borders. Trying new foods and making new friends helped me step out of my comfort zone and embrace the unknown. Learning about different laws and regulations broadened my knowledge of social policies worldwide. 

Before the trip, I felt anxious about traveling and experiencing culture shock, but I learned to navigate these feelings by staying open-minded and communicating with my peers. Visiting organizations that support individuals re-entering society after incarceration was eye-opening, and hearing about the services they provide showed me the importance of holistic support in social work.

Drawing from my Social Services diploma at NSCC, I was able to apply my learnings to the conference and fieldwork, gaining practical insights into real-world social work practices. Visiting a former Concentration Camp was a deeply emotional experience that reminded me of the importance of empathy and understanding in my work. Overall, studying abroad in Linz expanded my horizons, deepened my passion for social work, and equipped me with valuable skills and perspectives for my future career.

