Grads named Most Inspiring Immigrants in Atlantic Canada
Jubanti Dhan Toppo (HR Management '21) and Mohammad al Masalma (Tourism Management '18) are two of the 10 honourees of the 2023 Most Inspiring Immigrants in Atlantic Canada awards. These awards recognize and honour those who have made a difference in their communities across this region as trailblazers and leaders.

Mohammad al Masalma
Mohammad is originally from Syria, he came to Halifax through the World University Service of Canada Student Refugee Program to study at NSCC in 2016.
“Receiving this award holds great significance for me as it recognizes the efforts I have put in, pays tribute to my mentors and those who helped me, and highlights my contributions to the community. It symbolizes the importance of the role immigrants and refugees play in enriching our society and inspires me to continue striving for excellence.”
- Mohammad al Masalma, Owner of Mosy Photography and Orientation Services Coordinator at ISANS.

Jubanti Dhan Toppo
Born and raised in India, Jubanti first came to Canada as an international student in 2011 and returned a year later to live and work here.
“To be an honouree of this award means to give back to the community what Canada has given me, and continue to inspire many other immigrants who will come after me trying to create a community in Canada despite all hardships and challenges.
It is an opportunity to thank and be grateful for all the individuals who believed in my skills and talents, and who mentored me to be able to accomplish what I have achieved to date. Awards such as this encourages not only immigrants but all citizens of this country who strive towards making a difference for the betterment of our society.”
-Jubanti Dhan Toppo, Provincial Manager: Community-Based Sexualized Violence Trauma Therapy Program at Avalon Sexual Assault Centre.